Training on proposal writing was held by Anromind in TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy on 11th of September 2024. This was the first in a series of trainings planned within the BALTIC-FIT aimed strengthen research management capacities and administrative skills of the TalTech staff and increase their level of participation in EU-funded projects.

During the training session Anna Zmiievska, a EU-funding expert from Anromind, provided a comprehensive overview of Horizon Europe structure and types of finding schemes, as well as presented existing and upcoming opportunities relevant to maritime transport research. The session also covered the structure and evaluation criteria of Horizon Europe proposals, key factors of success and basics of proposal writing.

The training was attended by young researchers and administrative staff from different TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy research groups, and also by the researchers from VTT and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. A total of 15 people attended, with a further 7 joining online. The interactive elements used in the training allowed for active engagement of the audience both in the room and online.

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